AGGRESSIONS of members of the CNC, by some animators of the television channel “Vision4”- La dérive de Vision 4

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Douala-Cameroon 02/01/2018 : DENIGRATION, INJURIES AND VERBAL

AGGRESSIONS of members of the National Communication Council (CNC) in
Cameroon, by some animators of the television channel “Vision4”
The Central Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (REDHAC) strongly denounces and
condemns the insults and attacks perpetrated against the members of the National
Communication Council, especially the stigmatization of Mrs. Suzanne KALA-LOBE, activist for
more than 40 years, journalist and member of the National Communication Council (CNC).

The facts
The National Communication Council (CNC), after exhausting its agenda and by the voice of its
president Mr. Peter ESSOKA, made public the statement N ° 000009 / CNC / 2017 / PR / SG
/ CCT of December 19th 2017 in which some decisions were taken, including:
« 6. Case Collective of Lawyers against Ayissi ETOA Parfait and ZE Jean Jacques, journalists at the television
channel called ” VISION4 “. The Collective appealed to the Council against the aforementioned body following
the broadcast of offensive and insulting remarks against its members tending to relativize their work. The CNC
has decided to suspend the journalist AYISSI ETOA Parfait for a period of one (1) month from the exercise of
the profession of journalist in Cameroon, the same penalty applies for the same facts, under the same conditions and for the same duration on the program called “TOUR D’HORIZON” of the said television channel.”
« 7. Case Vincent-Sosthène FOUDA, Associate Professor of Political Science against the television channel”
VISION4 “and LEUKOUE MONKAM Sidoine and OBAMA NANA Ernest Dieudonné, journalists
in the said body. The Council has established that the terms used during the report of 15 November 2017 by Mrs.
Leukoue Monkam Sidoine do indeed constitute linguistic excesses that do not fall within the journalist’s freedom to inform; that the documentary entitled “VSF, A NAKED PRINCE IN YAOUNDE”, presented by Mr.
Obama Nana Ernest Dieudonné and broadcast on November 23, 2017 at 9pm is shocking, devaluing and
clearly shows, in prime time, the nudity of Mr. Vincent-Sosthène FOUDA. The Council decided to suspend for a
period of two (2) months Mr. Amougou Belinga Jean Pierre, from all functions as Director of Publication, the
journalists Obama Nana Ernest Dieudonné and Leukoue Monkam Sidoine from the exercise of the profession of
journalist in Cameroon “.

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Following this press release, on the 20/12/2017 in a program entitled “TOUR D’HORIZON”
animated by Mr. Parfait AYISSI and which brought together the following animators : Mr.
Ernest NANA OBAMA, Mr. Martial OWONA, Mr. Francesco BONGA and in an
approximate language according to the soundtrack in possession of REDHAC, Mr.
Parfait Ayissi made the following abusive and degrading remarks: “There are others there, I do
not do not know when you see her you have the feeling that she is someone who takes
hemp. He repeated it twice ” and then: “You have the impression that it is a person who is not
balanced and all that (laughs) and who comes to give you lessons “…” We have seen this person insulting the President of the Republic on television trays for at least 10 years in this country and now that she comes to give you lessons of journalism really the country is in the street “.

According to the Central Africa Human Rights Defenders Network, the person referred to in
these remarks is Mrs. Suzanne Kala Lobé, activist for at least 40 years, critical journalist and
member of the National Communication Council.

Of all the above, the Central Africa Human Rights Defenders Network (REDHAC):
 Condemns such derogatory comments against a human rights activist and critical
 Fully supports Mrs Suzanne KALA LOBE and all the members of the National
Communication Council (CNC) as a whole, taken to task by the television channel
“VISION4” during the broadcast of 20/12/2017 ;

Also, REDHAC asks the Cameroonian authorities:
 To take urgent measures to ensure the physical and moral integrity of CNC members
who have been subjected to insulting remarks by certain ‘VISION4’ journalists: To ensure the adequate training of journalists and animators by improving their level of language because they are listened to on a large scale.

To the Media, REDHAC recommends:
 to ensure the respect and dignity of people while denouncing the inadequacies of institutions;
To the National Communication Council (CNC), REDHAC calls for:

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– More serenity in the management of information related to law, freedom of expression and


Douala-Cameroun 02/01/2018 : DENIGREMENT, INJURES ET AGRESSIONS VERBALES des membres du Conseil National de la Communication (CNC) au Cameroun, par certains animateurs de la chaîne de Télévision « Vision4 »


Le Réseau des Défenseurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Centrale (REDHAC) dénonce et condamne avec fermeté les insultes et agressions perpétrées contre les membres du Conseil National de la Communication en particulier la stigmatisation de Mme Suzanne KALA-LOBE, activiste depuis plus de 40 ans, Journaliste et membre du Conseil National de la Communication (CNC)

Les faits
Le Conseil National de la Communication (CNC), après avoir épuisé son ordre du jour et par la
voix de son président M. Peter ESSOKA, a rendu public le communiqué N°
000009/CNC/2017/PR/SG/CCT du 19 Décembre 2017 dans lequel certaines décisions ont été
prises , notamment :

« 6. Affaire Collectif d’Avocats contre Ayissi ETOA Parfait et ZE Jean Jacques, journalistes en service à la
chaîne de télévision dénommée « VISION4 ». Le Collectif a saisi le Conseil contre l’organe susnommé suite à la
diffusion à l’encontre de ses membres, de propos offensants et insultants tendant à relativiser leur travail. Le CNC a décidé de suspendre le journaliste AYISSI ETOA Parfait pour une durée d’un(1) mois de l’exercice de la
profession du journaliste au Cameroun , la même sanction s ‘applique pour les mêmes faits, dans les mêmes
conditions et pour la même durée à l’émission dénommée « TOUR D’HORIZON » de ladite chaîne de
télévision. »
« 7. Affaire Vincent-Sosthène FOUDA, professeur Agrégé de Sciences Politiques contre la Chaîne de télévision
« VISION4 » et les nommés LEUKOUE MONKAM Sidoine et OBAMA NANA Ernest Dieudonné,
journalistes au dit organe. Le Conseil a établi que les termes utilisés au cours du reportage du 15 novembre 2017 de Madame Leukoue Monkam Sidoine constituent bel et bien des dérives langagières qui ne participent pas de la liberté d’informer du journaliste ; que le documentaire intitulé « VSF,UN « PRINCE » NU A
YAOUNDE », présenté par M. Obama Nana Ernest Dieudonné et diffusé le 23 novembre 2017 à 21H est
choquant, dévalorisant et montre en clair, à une heure de grande écoute, la nudité de Monsieur Vincent-Sosthène FOUDA.

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Le Conseil a décidé de suspendre pour une durée de deux(2) mois M. Amougou Belinga Jean Pierre,
de toute fonction de Directeur de Publication, les journalistes Obama Nana Ernest Dieudonné et Leukoue
Monkam Sidoine de l’exercice de la profession de journaliste au Cameroun »


Source:Réseau des défenseurs des droits humains en Afrique centrale Central Africa human rights defenders network Réseau des défenseurs des droits humains en Afrique centrale Central Africa human rights defenders network Réseau des défenseurs des droits humains en Afrique centrale
