CAMEROON PROJECT : « Unity in diversity »

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CAMEROON PROJECT is a Cameroonian platform which, mindful of the limits of an overcentralized state, advocates for the unity of Anglophones and Francophones federalists in Cameroon and in the world at large for the promotion of local government, good governance and the true sovereignty of people. Cameroon Project, following an extraordinary meeting to address the currents events in our beloved Country Cameroon,

1. Declares that Dialogue is the only viable solution to violence whatever its source and calls as a matter of emergency for the convening of a national dialogue on federalism as a sustainable form of decentralization inscribed in our National Constitution;

2. Demands the immediate release of all people arrested in relation to the current Anglophone crisis as ordered by the President of the Republic;

3. Call on all Cameroonians to stand up for their rights through Non-Violent means of protest and to refrain from any discourse that can fuel division among Cameroonians; 4. Will continue to monitor the Current situation in Cameroon and advocate for national unity through dialogue on a viable and peaceful form of coexistence in Cameroon respectful of the richness of our diversity.

Cameroon Project will be publishing is manifesto in the coming days and invites all the Cameroonian Federalists to join in this quest for a form of government closer to people and respectful of their dignity and rights in Cameroon.

P. Ludovic Lado

(Coordination Diaspora)

Mr  Kuissu Mephou Gérard (Coordination Cameroon)







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