The Fomunyoh Foundation:Prof Elizabeth Tamajong appointed Cameroon’s Executive Director!

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Revered varsity don, researcher and career politician, Prof Elizabeth Tamajong, has been appointed as Cameroon’s Executive Director of the international Non- Governmental Organisation, The Fomunyoh Foundation,TFF. Tamajong’s appointment is the content of a recent release from The Fonmunyoh Foundation. Her appoint- ment comes alongside that of an 11- man Ad hoc Committee to pilot TFF’s innovative strategies to tackle cata- strophic conflicts, humanitarian crises and rights violations in Cameroon.

According to the TFF, which continues to lead in several humanitarian actions in different countries of the world, the coming on board of Tamajong as Cameroon’s Executive Director, is to advance the organisation’s objectives.
Given the challenging times, TFF detailed in its statement, Prof Tamajong has the required experience and integrity needed to direct the organisations’ new vision. She had served in the capacity of a volunteer as TFF’s Senior Adviser.
Tamajong, who is among the most influential and respected Cameroonian women, TFF statement reads, will, in her new role “ …design and implement programs and activities in furtherance of the Foundation’s core objectives; which include
humanitarian interventions, and the support of charitable causes, democracy and human rights”
Reacting to Tamajong’s appointment, the renowned and highly respected good governance crusader and TFF Founder, Dr Christopher Fomunyoh, who is also Senior Associate for Africa and Regional Director at the Washington-based National Democratic Institute, NDI, said, she is expected to ensure effectiveness. “Her first order of business will be to coordinate an Ad hoc committee to review TFF’s medium and long term goals, and make recommendations to enhance its effectiveness in the country, ” Dr Fomunyoh stated.

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Impeccable reputation to serve

While stating that: “TFF Cameroon is extremely fortunate to have Prof Mrs Elizabeth Tamajong at its helm as Executive Director, ” Dr Fomunyoh, who is a global philanthropist and good governance trailblaser, remarked that: “She brings an impeccable repu- tation for hard work, dedication and passion for causes she believes in” The Foundation, its partners and Cameroon as a whole, Dr Fomunyoh noted, “will benefit tremendously
from her leadership and sense of purpose”
‘I hope to foster TFF’s vision’

Reacting to her appointment, Prof Tamajong talked of her wish to further enhance TFF’s vision. “I’m honoured by the invitation to serve TFF in this new capacity. I have great admiration for the visionary leadership and commitment of the Foundation and its founder and president to our people and humanity as a whole. I hope to foster the goals and impact of the Foundation in the years ahead, ” TFF Cameroon Executive Director said.

Enter ad hoc committee

The members of the Ad hoc com- mittee, going by the TFF statement are: Dr. Etah Ewane, Ms. Evelyne Metuge, Mr. Jean Genestar Priso, Mrs. Jacqueline Ikollo-Ndoumbe, Dr. Sehou Ahmadou, Dr. Djibrilla Siddiki, Ms. Maximillienne Ngo Mbe, Mr. Paul Yamga, former mayor Frederick Tanjoh, Ms. Grace Sil and Mr. Philip Ndi.

Prof Tamajong’stowering, award-laced career

TFF Cameroon Executive Director, Prof Tamajong, has a professional career spanning over three decades. She has held top positions in the aca- demia, public service and humanitari- an organisations. Prof Tamajong is currently the Vice Chancellor, VC of the Yaounde International Business School, YIBS. She is a former Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the ICT University Cameroon. The former Secretary General of the Social Democratic Front, SDF, also at onetime served as Director of the National Centre for Education in
the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation.

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The Chief Research Officer, a rank which is the highest grade equivalent to a university Prof, has taught in different universities within and without Cameroon. Among them are the Universities of Yaounde I and the ICT University Cameroon.

Tamajong is also Secretary General of Women’s Academy for Africa. She has supervised many masters and PhD theses. Prof. Tamajong has published numerous articles and book chapters in peer review publications. Most of her research works have been on education, human rights and women’s leadership. In 2021, Prof Tamajong was awarded the prestigious Best Researcher in Educational Management Award. This was a recognition from the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation.

In 2019, she received the Life Time Achievement Award. This was in recognition for her outstanding achievement in research and science.

The rating came from the ICT Foundation, based in Louisiana, USA. To head TFF as Cameroon Executive Director is a woman who has also served as a resource person for International organisations. Some of the organiations wherein Prof Tamaong has made her impact felt are: The Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Westminster Foundation for Development. In all these engagements, Prof Tamajong has put her strong academic and political skills to conduct orientations and workshops for Members of Parliament, MPs, leaders of political parties as well as mayors and local councillors in various countries in the
Central African region.

She has also been part of several international election observer missions of the Commonwealth and the National Democratic Institute, NDI in Nigeria and Ghana.

The Fomunyoh Foundation in a nutshell

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Dr Fomunyoh founded TFF in 1999. This was in partnership with some of his Cameroonian compatriots and advocates of democracy and good governance globally. TFF works with other philanthropists, democracy and human rights advocates to improve the well-being of Cameroonians. It also has as mission to strengthen national institutions and respect for human rights.

By Maxcel Fokwen

Source: The Guardian Post No 2529 -Friday August 05, 2022

About TFF:

The Fomunyoh Foundation (TFF) is a non-profit organisation founded in 1999 by

Dr. Christopher Fomunyoh and a dedicated group of Cameroonians and advocates

in the        international democracy community.

We partner with philanthropists and democratic and human rights constituencies

within Cameroon, as well as internationally, to improve the well-being of

Cameroonian people and strengthen institutions and human rights in Cameroon.

For more information about TFF, visit:
