More than 50 villages have been burnt down by the Cameroonian military, houses and private property destroyed:

Kwakwa, Boa Bakundu, Bole Bakundu, Dipenda Bakundu, Big Ngwandi, Bakumba, Bokosso, Nake, Kombone mission, Kake I, Kake II, Bekondo, Big Massaka, Nganjo, Foe Bakundu, Ekombe, Small Ekombe, Ediki, Kuke, Ebonji, Etam, Nguti, Mongo Ndor, Bello, Anjang, Angin, Anyagwa, Azi, Kumbo, Doti Nobi, Kugwe, Ambo, Efah, Kumku, Ashong, Ngie, Kembong, Ejeke, Mbene, Bati-Numba, Kagifu…, Dadi, Gurifen, Muyenge, Bafia, Ekwe, Kumbe-Balue, Ekona Mombo, Batibo, Bafut, Mbalangi, Oshie, Baingo, Bombele Mbonge, Kumu Kumu, Bangele, Konye, Guzang, Widikum, Babadiehka.

Village brûlés dans le Sud Oueat et Nord Ouest

Extrajudicial killings, burning down entire villages, shooting unarmed civilians and forced disappearances in South West and North West Regions must be investigated. We urge for a commission of inquiry to fully investigate these crimes.

—Agbor Nkongho
CENTRE for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa.

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