The CPD welcome and backs supports the organization of an “All Anglophone General Conference” III

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The Cameroon Patriotic Diaspora (CPD) welcome and backs supports the organization of an “All Anglophone General Conference”(AGC) as an important starting point for a lasting solution of the Anglophone crisis.

The Cameroon Patriotic Diaspora (CPD) has learned with great enthusiasm, the initiative announced by His Eminence Christian Cardinal Tumi, Reverend Babila G. Fochang, Imam Tukur M. Adamu and Imam Alhadji Aboubacar, to convene an All Anglophone Conference on the 29th and 30th August 2018 in Buea.
First of all, the CPD congratulates H.E. Christian Cardinal Tumi and his colleagues for their patriotic ingenuity.

The CPD wholeheartedly welcomes this initiative coming from moral authorities whose political neutrality goes beyond the national borders and totally supports its holding as a chance to find a lasting solution to the Anglophone crisis that has been paralyzing the country since two years.

The CPD calls all Cameroonians whatever their political edge and their religious beliefs, to fully endorse this very first attempt of mediation between Cameroonians, to get out of this deadly crisis that is shedding the blood of the sons and daughters of this country.

The CPD believes that the dissolution of the ‘Consortium’ and the imprisonment of its leaders at the very beginning of the crisis did deprive the government of legitimate Anglophone interlocutors for a constructive dialogue. That is why; the Cameroonian government must seize the pole stretched by H.E. Christian Cardinal Tumi and his colleagues, to facilitate the holding of this Conference, which constitutes an important first step towards the organization of a National Conference to find a solution to the Anglophone crisis.

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The CPD therefore calls on the government, to release all the prisoners of the Anglophone crisis as a pledge of goodwill for an Inter-Cameroonian Dialogue on the crisis in the Northwest and Southwest regions.

The CPD calls on Ambazonian Secessionists to also seize the outstretched hand of H.E. Christian Cardinal Tumi and colleagues, by observing an immediate ceasefire to promote the holding of the AGC in August in Buea. The CPD therefore invites them to give a chance to peace and not to take any actions nor say anything that could jeopardize the upcoming AGC Conference.
Finally, the CPD calls on the African Union as well as all friends and partners of Cameroon, to unreservedly support the announced ‘All Anglophones General Conference’, as a chance for a peaceful solution to the political unrest in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon.

Done in Douala, this 26th July 2018
On Behalf of the Cameroon Patriotic Diaspora (CPD,
Rev. Ludovic LADO

Contact – Relations Press: Abdelaziz MOUNDÉ
