
The Kumba massacre must be investigated by an independent third party, if the public must know who committed this abominable and shameful crime on innocent school children. The reasons the fighters have never and will never commit such an abominable crime against their own civilian population are multi-faceted, top among them being that they rely on this same population for their survival and security, to the frustration of the Lrc regime.

The regime has in the past tried different tactics to instigate the population against these fighters to no avail. The regime hurriedly called a top security meeting ( which in reality is a damage control meeting) to make sure all gaps aw closed and the narrative well managed.

MUYUKA MASSACRE ————–> Lrc Military

TIBEN MASSACRE —————-> Lrc Military

BALI MASSACRE —————-> Lrc Military

PINYIN MASSACRE —————–> Lrc Military


NGARBUH MASSACRE————> Lrc Military

KUMBA MASSACRE——————> ??? ??????

Who Has A Reputation For Killing Innocent Babies?

The Kumba massacre must be investigated by an independent third party, if the public must know who committed this abominable and shameful crime on innocent school children.

Fact: Ever since this conflict started, there is no recorded incident of a massacre on civilians that can be attributed to the Restoration Fighters across the Southern Cameroons. There have been lots of incidences, ranging from kidnappings & release, cases of torture, some leading to death and other harrassments on people they accuse of being spies for the regime.

The Fighters are no Saints. Even in some of the worst cases, we have seen video footage of the fighters committing their own crimes, none of all these crimes has ever been a massacre or a near massacre of civilians, talk less of innocent children. They have nothing to benefit from such.

The reasons the fighters have never and will never commit such an abominable crime against their own civilian population are multi-faceted, top among them being that they rely on this same population for their survival and security, to the frustration of the Lrc regime.

The regime has in the past tried different tactics to instigate the population against these fighters to no avail. They have exploited situations in the past, and pushed the population to stand up against these fighter with little or no success. They created their pseudo-Amba groups ( infamously known as Atanga-Nji Boys) with the sole mission of creating tension and pushing a wedge between the population and the fighters without much susscess.

There is therefore only one party in this conflict that stands to benefit from such a heinous crime on the civilian population, and it is no other but the Yaounde regime.

For their architects of crime, i.e those constantly plotting clandestine and criminal offences across the Southern Cameroons with the sole aim of instigating the populatioin to rise against the Restoration Fighters, there couldn’t have been a better opportunity to strike than now, given the school issue which has created a divide in opinion amongst the different groups in this struggle.

Knowing fully well that some groups where advocating and calling for school resumption, while other groups were adamantly oppposed to school resumption, and threatening hell on anyone who violated the school boycott, the regime saw this as a perfect oppotunity to help amplify the divide and create even more tension amongst the groups and the population. Knowing there was already this tension and threat in the air, for any criminal master planner, this moment presented a perfect timing to strike.

Why children?

The answer to this is rather the question from the assassin’s mind; why not children? What else will hurt the parents and push them to their limits and beyond to the point where they will rise and chant in their numbers that enough is enough? Yes, the planners had prepared the script and tuned the song calling for rhe parents to rise against the « Amba boys » even before the parent had time to digest the cruelty that had just befell them.

We saw the DO, while shedding crocodile tears screaming at the top of his voice, calling on parents in Kumba to rise against the Restoration Fighters, as though he was at the scene when it happened.

But blame him not, for he was only following and executing his own part of a script. He hastenly drew conclusions to fit the script, and in his absent mind probably thinking the population had forgotten who was behind the massacres in MUYUKA—MENKA–PINYIN—


They failed in their reasoning, to have foolishly assumed the population will see or treat this Kumba massacre differently from those mentioned above. They slaughtered kids in Ngarbuh and quickly tried changing the narrative, but met a stone wall as we exposed them.

At their best so far, they have maintained a single source of communication thus far, and carefully done so to avoid contradicting themselves as they are good at doing.

Unfortunatly for them, not all the kids who witnessed the massacre died. Some are already talking (though I am told they are now being stopped from talking) and the very first details coming from the innocent children are revealing. Their murderers came on bikes in broad daylight, and emptied their gun magazines on them silently without uttering a word. Yes, they murdered silently, even as the kids screamed in fear and pain.

I am not inspector Columbus, but for anyone who has closely monitored these fighters and their modus operandi will confirm it is very unlikely that they will commit such an act quietly, especially when they believe they are punishing someone who has gone against them. They will utter words, using their slangs, throw insults and recite your crimes as they torture you. We’ve seen this pattern time and time and again.Sadly the Kumba crime scene, as we have heard so far was nothing like what we know of the fighters. The silence? Of course they had to remain muted as they sprayed bullets on the children, shooting some at close range, splashing out their brains and other internal organs in silence, to make sure their language and accent didn’t betray them or leave clues.

Facing enormous international pressure to address the root causes of a conflict of their making, and seeing targeted sanctions being dangled right before their eyes, a desperate and impoverished regime will do all it can to tarnish the image of an enemy they have been unable to defeat through the barrel of a gun.

Where these kids by themselves in all the classes that were attacked? Where are the adult teachers? Why are they not talking?

The regime hurriedly called a top security meeting ( which in reality is a damage control meeting) to make sure all gaps aw closed and the narrative well managed. While some of the protest matches we are witnessing and will be witnessing are genuinely calling for an end to the Anglophone Crisis, many more among them will be well planned staged protest to continue executing the script.

As « #IAmKumba » becomes the newest hashtag, the devils are back to their drawing board to plot the next massacre.

But relent not, and resist this ailing and limping regime till the end.

Source: Eric Acha

26th October 2020

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