Eric Acha and The Naked Emperror «Yes, you ought to be embarrassed Paul Biya, because you are truly an embarrassment»


Mo Ibrahim exposes the emptiness of Biya who for more than half a century has successfully fenced himself from all public, non choreographed and rehearsed engagements.

A man who has relied on written speeches even on the most basic of things, where you would expect a person to speak from his mind. For too long he deceived his “supposed Bilingual nation” that he could speak English, by reading speaches from scripts and responding to rehearsed questions.

Like a thief who has been stealing for 99 days, Mo Ibrahim caught him this time pants down, and in his arrogance, he tried pulling one of his old nasty habits and acting as though he was the almighty God. Sadly for him, he was with the wrong person, as Mo Ibrahim quickly reminded him, to the bemusement of the audience that he was not in Etoudi.

For a moment I though it was a movie, as the rogue autocrat was exposed and humiliated. when confronted with a question on the conflict he created in his home country, he pretended as though his ear piece for translating was not working. Hoping that Mo Ibrahim will move on, his nightmare came as Mo pressed on, asking a fellow pannelist (a Rwandan) to help translate the question into French, so a “bilingual” CameroUn head of state could understand.

As if that was not enough, the naked emperror then tried pretending like his microphone was not working. Sadly for him, he wasn’t going to run away from that question, as Mo Ibrahim pressed on and asked him to just speak even without the mic. The shameless naked emperror pleaded to yet again read from a script on a pannel discussion that pannelists were to contribute by freely speaking.

Biya has never faced this in his life, and he knew that so well, so much that he couldn’t hide his embarrassement as he owned up himself that he was embarrassed.

Lire aussi:   Ali Bongo entre révision constitutionnelle et dictature affirmée et présidence à vie au Gabon

Yes, you ought to be embarrassed Paul Biya, because you are truly an embarrassment.

You’ve had it your way for too long, and we all know that.

It’s just the beginning.

Well done and thank you Sir Mo Ibrahim

E. Acha
12th November 2019
